Just a note that no more work will be done on my windowspawn
diff as I've come to realize it might not end up being what
I initially wanted.

My reason for writing this was that I did not like my xterms
overlapping completely without jerking the mouse first, but
this can be solved in another way [1].

My last idea was to allow something like

  windowspawn <where> <class>[,<name>]

where `where' could be one of `center', `cursor', `fullscreen'
or `random' and <class> could be * to change the default
behaviour for all windows.  You could then add exceptions
for other classes.  Maybe it had some merit, but I don't
care that much about it any more (and I'm not sure anyone
else ever did ;-) ).

If anyone is dying for this feature, do let me know and I
might change my mind.

  x=$(jot -r 1 0 $((xres-termx)))
  y=$(jot -r 1 0 $((yres-termy)))
  xterm -geometry 80x30+${x}+${y}


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