Hi Jean-Philippe,

sorry for answering late, i was offline.

Jean-Philippe Ouellet wrote on Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 03:05:49PM -0400:

> A few days ago I saw a commit for NSD, I had never heard of it
> before, so naturally, I went to read the manpage, however it wasn't
> there.

I cannot reproduce the problem.

I just did the following:

  schwa...@rhea $ cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/nsd/
  schwa...@rhea $ cvs up -dP
  schwa...@rhea $ make -f Makefile.bsd-wrapper cleandir
  schwa...@rhea $ make -f Makefile.bsd-wrapper obj
  schwa...@rhea $ make -f Makefile.bsd-wrapper 2>&1 | tee make.log
  schwa...@rhea $ sudo make -f Makefile.bsd-wrapper install 2>&1 | tee inst.log
  schwa...@rhea $ man nsd

I admit the manual is not 100% correct yet, but it looks quite
useable already.

What exactly did you do, what exactly did you expect, what exactly
happened instead?

> I looked at the cvs tree, and saw that there was a manpage,
> just not formatted for mandoc like all other manpages I've seen
> in OpenBSD,

Well, nsd.8 is written in the traditional UNIX man(7) language, not
in the more powerful and modern BSD mdoc(7) language, but mandoc(1)
handles man(7) all right, even without explicitly specifying
the -Tman option; actually, autorecognition of man(7) and mdoc(7)
is the etymological source of the troff -mandoc option and hence the
name of the mandoc program.

> so I read up on mdoc and rewrote the manpage.

Sorry, but that's a bad idea.

We don't want to maintain downstream versions of manuals in a format
differing from upstream unless there are very strong reasons to do so.
It's just too expensive in terms of working time.

> with a few minor grammatical changes:

In case those are worthwhile (i did not check), they should be
submitted upstream.


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