On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 04:55:36PM +0200, Gilles Chehade wrote:
> Hi tech@,
> A new tarball with all reported issues fixed is available at:
>     http://www.poolp.org/~gilles/smtpd-asyncdns.tar.gz
> smtpd now catches changes in /etc/resolv.conf and should work fine with 
> inet6 records.
> I have done some stress testing here and it's been stable.
> asr has also been improved by eric@ who cleaned up code, fixed some bugs 
> and added tcp support, honors the family keyword in /etc/resolv.conf.
> Please test fast and report issues so that we can move to the next 
> features ;-)
> Gilles


Is this a typo?  on line 40 in asr.c

#define DEFAULT_CONF            "lookup bind file\nameserver\n"

should it be

"lookup bind file\nnameserver\n"?



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