On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:33 AM, Peter N. M. Hansteen <pe...@bsdly.net>
> The IPSEC allegations have produced a flurry of blog posts and
> suchlike, mostly just rehashing the contents of Theo's original
> message.  However, I've found two followups that are interesting for
> their own separate reasons:
> in http://blogs.csoonline.com/1296/an_fbi_backdoor_in_openbsd , there
> appears to be some additional veribage from Gregory Perry, but IMHO it
> does not really add much in the way of useful information.
> The other item,
> is quite a bit more interesting, since it's a public challenge (with a
> cash bounty) to come up with actual evidence of backdoor code in the
> relevant parts of OpenBSD.  There have been offers to match original 3
> * USD 100 bounty, so with a little more circulation the bounty could
> turn into a good amount.

It is easy to shoot one's mouth off like that about bounty offered,
given the ridiculously constrained "conditions" the bounty is offered
under. He might as well offered a million USD. No one will be able to
prove this under these restrictions.


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