On 12/19/10 22:28, Kenneth R Westerback wrote:
You should NEVER use 'c' partition. Amoung other things, it is
always set by the kernel to encompass the whole disk, everytime the
disklabel is read. If you restore to a different sized disk interesting
things might happen. I thought we also always set it to UNUSED, but
if not I will revisit that.

I've used the native disk sd4c as RAID only for testing, since this improved my understanding of the problem.

Is there also a problem when newfs is used on the virtual softraid(4) disk 'c' partition (rsd5c in my example)?

I originally discovered the problem when I tried newfs(8) on rsd5c where the native disk was sd4a. As I wrote in my initial mail, this results in a kernel panic. The kernel panics in sr_crypto_finish_io(), and before this, bounds_check_with_label (in kern/subr_disk.c) (which gets called in sd.c:572 for the softraid(4) disk sd5) returns '-1'. I didn't further inspect if this panic could/should be avoided like in the test where the native RAID disk was sd4c.

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