On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 12:13:14AM +0100, Claudio Jeker wrote:
> Appart from my desire to kill the permission checking?
> I don't see why bgpd and ospfd needs this non-unix like behaviour, 
> other tools like pfctl do not care. We install the file with the correct
> permissions so if somebody changes them it is his fault. But this is just
> my opinion. 

Personally, I don't really care about the check. I saw bgpd notify me,
so I fixed that and then both ospfd's told me they were OK. Obviously
the errors followed next boot.
I'd just want the behavior to be consistent and the information
"configuration OK" to keep its meaning up. Because I found in CVS log
that Henning and Theo were discussing that earlier, I did it this way.
After all, it doesn't look like an expensive check, or is it?

Martin Pelikan

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