On 17.02.2011 16:22, Mike Belopuhov wrote:

> Lukasz has tested the patch below and it works fine for him.  I don't
> have the hardware myself, so I'm not going to push it for the release,
> but if someone thinks it's worth it, please speak up.

Here are some numbers:

# time tar xzf ./sys.tar.gz
    0m11.06s real     0m0.80s user     0m0.86s system
    0m4.97s real     0m0.68s user     0m0.58s system
    0m7.13s real     0m0.75s user     0m0.83s system
    0m3.72s real     0m0.60s user     0m0.37s system

It seems that 4.9 has a lot of improvements.
Big thanks for Mike and all developers.


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