On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 08:36:45PM +0200, Walter Haidinger wrote:
> Am 30.03.2011 15:23, schrieb Claudio Jeker:
> > Buffers below 8k are stupid. For TCP just use 32k or even 64k. 512byte
> > buffers are silly. They get internally rounded up since the smallest
> > packet seems to be 512bytes data plus header. This will give you TCP send
> > and recv buffers of around 1200bytes. No wonder it is slow as hell.
> Throughput isn't the issue. The system gets unusable with sizes < 2048.
> The machine freezes, it takes a couple of seconds for the next shell
> prompt to appear, like under really heavy load (I'd say way >30). 
> Of course bufsizes that small make no sense and your patch eliminates
> the lock ups, but the they show there is still some bug. I'd expect slow
> nfs transfers but not the behavior as if under heavy load. (*)

NFS is a strange beast and I guess running with to small buffers results
in such side effects. This has nothing todo with the buffer scaling but
more with the way NFS works.

> This is just to let to know, maybe you want to have a further look.

I'm not interested. Maybe someone else likes to dig deep into NFS.
I guess there is a reason why the default is 8k.
> Why did I test with small buffer sizes too? Well, I got another email
> which said about the mount options, obviously regarding the buffer sizes:
> "When you jackfuck that knob with other values, what is the result?
>  Troubleshooting isn't only for others, son!"
> A reminder that this is an OpenBSD list... ;-)
> Luckily I always make sure to have my asbestos on when dealing with!

:wq Claudio

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