On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 10:08:24AM -0400, Ian Darwin wrote:
> > Having tried to do things like gzcat /var/log/wtmp.0.gz | last -f /dev/stdin
> > before, I'd certainly find it useful and this is less intrusive than 
> > modifying
> > last(8) so it could work with standard input.
> Unless you run an extermely large shop like Beck does, or have extremely
> tiny disks, why not just remove all the Z flags from newsyslog.conf?
> This has the side effect of not having to gunzip /var/log/daemon* & friends.

This is a good idea.  I guess I don't need my patch then.  I won't clean it
up then either.

> I guess we inherited this log gzipping from 4BSD, but in those days
> a 300MB disk cost a month's salary. Plus another week's salary or so
> for the trucking charges.

funny. :-)


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