On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 10:17:31AM +0200, Mark Kettenis wrote:
> Makes no sense.  The keepSelection check is already done in
> ScrnDisownSelection().  The only place where DisownSelection() is
> called directly is SelectSet(), and that should only happen if you
> explicitly shrink your selection to "nothing".
> As far as I know, xterm keeps the selection just fine.  If I select
> some text in one xterm, then click at some random place in that same
> xterm such that the text is no longer highlighted, I can paste it just
> fine into another xterm using the middle mouse button.

Having done some simple tests, the situation seems to be like this:

If you highlight some text in an xterm, it's copied to PRIMARY just fine
and kept there if keepSelection is true. However, PRIMARY cannot be
accessed by gtk apps, which use the CLIPBOARD. So most people do
something like

xterm*VT100.translations: #override <Btn1Up>: select-end(PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD, CUT

in their .Xdefaults. And here's the problem: If you select text, it gets
copied to both PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD. If you then click somewhere else
in the same xterm, it is kept in PRIMARY, but *not* in CLIPBOARD (so
it's lost for gtk apps).

Hope this helps.

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