On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 10:51:31PM +0300, wishmaster wrote:
> Hi.
>    I use PF in both OS'es: Free and OpenBSD. This is great firewall. But 
> today statefull firewalling and inspecting packet headers  only, traffic 
> classification and prioritization by port number  only - it is not enough for 
> complex  firewalling/shaping/prioritization/etc. Outside window - XXIst 
> century and today it is necessary to have more advanced tool. I am about 
> DIFFUSE. http://www.caia.swin.edu.au/urp/diffuse/intro.html
>    In future (maybe in 10.X) it will be in the base FreeBSD system as part of 
> IPFW. It is available for Linux and OpenWRT as well. My suggestion is to 
> integrate DIFFUSE into PF as well. We need "keep pace with time" and only 
> this way will let PF to be one of the best firewall solution.

You can suggest whatevery you want, words are for free :DDDD


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