On Thu, Oct 04, 2012 at 11:42:45PM +0200, Gregor Best wrote:
> As before, I'm looking forward to anything you have to comment, especially 
> cool
> benchmark ideas or the like.

I know my report is not a benchmark of any kind but I do see a slight 
improvements when running a full GNOME 3 installation.
ipis never go past 10K where they are regularly around 50K without this patch 
(confirmed with 2 different amd64 boxes).

I can't really see any interactive enhancements but I don't think that it's 
really the point.
That said, GNOME 3 is a nice interactive test for that kind of things, it's 
heavily threaded and currently the performance of the SP kernel outperforms by 
far the MP one.

Please count me as a guinea pig for any scheduler patch because my Desktop 
machines are become barely usable with an MP kernel since we switched to 
rthreads and I would really much want to see some improvements in that area.
I'll keep running with this (and any other mods) for the upcoming weeks and if 
I have time to do some real and useful benchmarking or see any regression, I'll 
let you know.



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