On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 3:12 PM, Mike Belopuhov <m...@belopuhov.com> wrote:
>> OK?
> Please note that pfctl/altq has a bug where bandwidth specification
> expressed in percentage gets converted to the absolute value when
> pfctl is run.  And since for some NICs in some setups it might take
> some time to acquire a link this would mean that when pfctl is run
> right after netstart (like in /etc/rc), bandwidth calculation will
> be wrong.  Since your diff doesn't exactly make the situation worse,
> as you might end up with a wrong bandwidth anyways, I'm OK with it.

Yes, I'm also OK with the diff because we can at least expect the same
behavior everywhere now. ALTQ should calculate and update the relative
bandwidth in the kernel, but this is another thing and would probably
conflict with henning's work on the new queuing subsystem.


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