On Sat, Mar 01, 2014 at 02:27:44PM -0500, James Turner wrote:
> So I wanted to test out nginx and slowcgi. I started everything up and
> hit up localhost/cgi-bin/test-cgi. Whoops forgot to move /bin/sh into
> the chroot. Try again, shit forgot to chmod 555 test-cgi.

heh, been there, done that :)

> I was complaining on IRC and tbert suggested I write a simple statically
> linked testcgi.c so people can easily verify cgi is up and working.
> That is what is attached. It just prints out the environment like
> test-cgi and printenv but is statically linked and doesn't require
> anything to be copied into the chroot. Also it's 555 by default so it
> just works. Is this so bad?

yes, it's bad.

> The BINDIR is set since I have no idea where in /usr/src this should
> live or if this is even anything we want in source but here it is for
> those who don't want to mess around with moving things into the www
> chroot and just want to verify cgi (slowcgi in my case) is working.

I would put it somewhere in a directory under usr.sbin/nginx/
and add a SUBDIR to Makefile.bsd-wrapper.

So with httpd gone test-cgi is gone, too. I was thinking, cool, let's
get this static C cgi program in. However, turns out we already have
one in base, it's called bgplg. So to test if slowcgi is working chmod
555 /var/www/cgi-bin/bgplg and point your browser to
http://localhost/cgi-bin/bgplg. It works perfectly fine for this
scenario without a bgpd running. Make sure to chmod 000 it afterwards.

I'm not entirely sure you are real.

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