I hit this problem while working with the numpy 1.8.1 regress suite
which has some tests that are currently failing.

Here is a reduced test case of the logaddexp2 python function which
ends up calling exp2. Is this a bug in the openbsd exp2

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

int main(void) {
        double x;
        double y;

        // x = log2(5)
        x = 2.32192809489;
        // y = 2**(log2(5))
        y = exp2(x);

        printf("expected: 5.0\n");
        printf("actual:   %f\n", y);


on a linux/x86_64 machine:

# gcc -lm test.c && ./a.out
expected: 5.0
actual:   5.000000

on an openbsd/i386 machine:

# gcc -lm test.c && ./a.out
expected: 5.0
actual:   4.994404

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