
I just noticed r1.44 to t1_lib.c. I'm not sure that auditing
opaque_prf_input is a good use of anyone's time -- I think it might be
better to just run "unifdef -U TLSEXT_TYPE_opaque_prf_input" and be done
with it.

Here's the history of opaque_prf_input as I understand it:

- In 2006, the Department of Defense wanted a TLS extension that could
  provide extra random inputs for generating the master secret. A draft
  was produced for an extension that would let the client and server
  each contribute up to 64 KB of extra "random" material to the PRF. [1]

- The draft was abandoned and expired in June of 2007. No extension type
  was ever assigned.

- In September 2007, OpenSSL added support for the expired draft. [2]
  Of course, since there's no assigned extension type, users need to
  define one and recompile the library to use the extension.

Given that the extension was dead on arrival and implemented
post-mortem, I wouldn't be surprised to discover that opaque_prf_input
has as many users as big-endian amd64 support.

Brendan MacDonell

[1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-rescorla-tls-opaque-prf-input-00

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