> 1. MAP_COPY is redefined as an alias for MAP_PRIVATE, and the other
> useless MAP_* flags are redefined to 0.  They're also hidden from the
> kernel to make sure no kernel code accidentally depends on them still.
> 2. Adds COMPAT_O55_MAP_COPY so we can stay binary compatible with any
> OpenBSD 5.5 programs that still use MAP_COPY (probably none, but it's
> trivial to do), and COMPAT_O55_MAP_NOOPMASK just to keep track of
> which bits were previously reserved for do-nothing flags.

Yes, then we can remove the kernel support soon.  We need to remember
to do that.. sometimes such things live far longer than the ABI requires.

I suspect the new name might hurt kdump support (grep for mmapflagsname).

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