On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 03:36:06PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2014/07/27 11:15, Claudio Jeker wrote:
> > Not a big fan since this makes the bgpctl show output no longer fit 80
> > chars and so will wrap lines on default terminals. While it is OK to
> > increase the size it should be taken away from other fields in some whay.
> > An option would be to drop the OutQ since that field has only limited
> > value IMO.
> oh, I would miss not having OutQ, it's totally useless when things are
> working correctly, but I have had a couple of situations (one with openbgp,
> one with *cough* bay BCN "some time ago"...) where this has been helpful.
> It gives quite a clear pointer to problems transmitting to that particular
> peer without having to look in netstat output and work out which peer is
> which (some physical layer problems, MTU problems etc).

In that case I would suggest to move that information to the bgpctl show
neighbor somepeer detail view. It shows more counters and is probably
better for debugging a particular peering that has issues.

bgpctl show sum should only give a summary to get an overview.

> I think the most usable display would be to have neighbor and AS "share"
> a column, with priority to AS... i.e.
> somepeer                12345      16419      89603     0 09:42:06    100/8000
> somepeer-with-long-name  5678    1604940    1367282     0 13:39:28    100/8000
> otherpeer            16584484      16420      89606     0 1d00h58m Active
> otherpeer-with-long- 16584485    1604940    1367282     0 13:40:17    100/8000

Yes, that would be better.
:wq Claudio

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