Hi Robert,

Robert Peichaer wrote on Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 12:39:51AM +0200:

> In the "Base system daemon configuration variables" section, in the
> last paragraph this is incorrect.
> ... including a string containing only a single blank character, ...
> Looking at the _rc_parse_conf() code in rc.subr says, that any leading
> and trailing blanks on the value side of key=value get stripped away.

ischwarze@isnote $ grep ^tftpd /etc/rc.conf.local            
tftpd_flags=" "
ischwarze@isnote $ sudo /etc/rc.d/tftpd -d start > /dev/null 
usage: tftpd [-46cdv] [-l address] [-p port] [-r socket] directory
ischwarze@isnote $ sudoedit /etc/rc.conf.local
ischwarze@isnote $ grep ^tftpd /etc/rc.conf.local            
ischwarze@isnote $ sudo /etc/rc.d/tftpd -d start > /dev/null 
ischwarze@isnote $ ps ax | grep tftp 
 8194 ??  Is      0:00.00 /usr/sbin/tftpd /tftpboot

Works for me...

I don't understand why it doesn't work for you.

> And maybe it's worth a note that in case of multiple lines with the same
> key, only the last is used.

Well, you might already implicitly conclude that from the second

     It is advisable to leave rc.conf untouched, and instead create
     and edit a new rc.conf.local file.  Variables set in this file
     will override variables previously set in rc.conf.

But we could make that more explicit:

     It is advisable to leave rc.conf untouched, and instead create 
     and edit a new rc.conf.local file.  Since only the last assignment
     to any variable takes effect, variables set in this file override
     variables previously set in rc.conf.

> Besides that OK rpe@

Thanks for checking!


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