On 28 Aug 2014, at 3:02 am, Mike Belopuhov <m...@belopuhov.com> wrote:

> On 27 August 2014 08:25, Brad Smith <b...@comstyle.com> wrote:
>> Looking for some testing of the following diff to add Jumbo support for the
>> BCM5714 / BCM5780 and BCM5717 / BCM5719 / BCM5720 / BCM57765 / BCM57766
>> chipsets.
> i have tested this on "Broadcom BCM5719" rev 0x01, unknown BCM5719 
> (0x5719001),
> APE firmware NCSI  and "Broadcom BCM5714" rev 0xa3, BCM5715
> A3 (0x9003).
> it works, however i'm not strictly a fan of switching the cluster pool to
> larger one for 5714.  wasting another 8k page (on sparc for example) for
> every rx cluster in 90% cases sounds kinda wrong to me.  but ymmv.

this is what MCLGETI was invented to solve though. comparing pre mclgeti to 
what this does:

a 5714 right now without jumbos would have 512 rings entries with 2048 bytes on 
each. 2048 * 512 is a 1024k of ram. if we bumped the std ring up to jumbos by 
default, 9216 * 512 would eat 4608k of ram.

my boxes with bge with mclgeti generally sit around 40 clusters, but sometimes 
end up around 80. 80 * 9216 is 720k. we can have jumbos and still be ahead.

if you compare the nics with split rings: 512 * 2048 + 256 * 9216 is ~3.3M. the 
same chip with mclgeti and only doing a 1500 byte workload would be 80 * 2048 + 
17 * 9216, or 300k.

> apart from that there's a deficiency in the diff itself.  you probably want
> to change MCLBYTES in bge_rxrinfo to bge_rx_std_len otherwise statistics
> look wrong.


i have tested both 1500 and 9000 mtus on a 5714 and it is working well. as you 
say, 5719 seems to be fine too, but ive only tested it with mtu 1500. ill test 
9k tomorrow.

it needs tests on older chips too though.

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