> Currently there are three instances of ASN methods
> and pmethods structures, because there three
> different OIDs related to GOST public keys
> (-2001, -2012, 256 bit, -2012 512 bit).
> I think I can merge all of them. However I need
> to store an additional NID (digest NID, which
> is a part of public key parameters) together
> with a _KEY instance. I see two possibilities.
> First is to add a digest_nid field to EC_KEY
> structure. Second is to add a
> typedef struct {
>     EC_KEY *ec;
>     int digest_nid;
> First way is a bit hackish. Second is clean but clumsy.
> What would you prefer?

The second way will lead us to subtle bugs with code allocating an
EC_KEY and other code expecting the pointer to be a GOST_KEY.

I see nothing wrong with an extra field within struct ec_key_st, and a
libcrypto major bump due to the ABI change.


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