On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 08:22:46PM +0100, Stefan Sperling wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 06:21:40PM +0000, Florian Obser wrote:
> > [ this originated on misc@:
> > https://marc.info/?t=141703621800001&r=1&w=2 ]
> > 
> > so there are setups out there where a router gets a default route
> > (and maybe a prefix) via SLAAC (think dsl / cable line).
> > 
> > Currently the kernel does not accept a default route via SLAAC when
> > forwarding is enabled. Since we have a per-interface flag to enable
> > SLAAC we can lift this restriction.
> > 
> > I already have one OK and one testresult.
> > More tests / OKs / Comments?
> Is there already a way to obtain prefixes but avoid the default route?
> That would be useful to me.

Well, what we currently have without this diff behaves that way.
Enable forwarding and the kernel only processes the prefix. AFAIC
that's not a feature but an accident.

I'm not quite sure what your use case is though...

> The only way I could think of so far are rdomains. But that seems overkill.

I'm not entirely sure you are real.

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