On 2015/04/11 20:35, Rob wylde wrote:
> Here is my possibly poorly written bugreport
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-bugs&m=142856496830537&w=2
> I also have port 4789 udp open
> I've since posting that discovered that if I give my client box a public IP
> it works flawlessly. The instant I flip it back to private
> functionality deteriorate's( unicast works but multicast completely fails
> ). Between flipping of networks I destroy and rebuild the vxlan and bridge
> on the server side and usually for good measure completely reboot the
> client.
> Any suggestions would be helpful
> Thanks

It seems unlikely that this would be about the exact IP addresses in use.
Is that the only change or is there some other change (maybe routes; do you
have a default route in one case, and not in the other)?

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