On Sat, Jun 20, 2015 at 03:01:18PM +0200, Reyk Floeter wrote:
> there is some great interest in getting support for rewrites

What do people think of something like our tftpd(8)'s -r

   -r socket
         Issue filename rewrite requests to the specified UNIX domain
         socket.  tftpd will write lines in the format "IP OP filename",
         terminated by a newline, where IP is the client's IP address, and
         OP is one of "read" or "write".  tftpd expects replies in the
         format "filename" terminated by a newline.  All rewrite requests
         from the daemon must be answered (even if it is with the original
         filename) before the TFTP request will continue.  By default
         tftpd does not use filename rewriting.

I was working on a patch to bring it to httpd but ran out of free time.
Thought I'd pass the idea by you anyway.

I think it's a sweet spot of a minimum incrase in complexity and maximum
incrase in flexibility. Then people could plug in whatever they wanted:
be it trivial string substitutions, guaranteed safe regexes with re2[1],
potentially unsafe regexes with pcre, or even database lookups or whatever.

[1]: https://swtch.com/~rsc/regexp/regexp3.html

Reyk: Sorry for the duplicate, meant to reply to the list.

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