On 2015 Aug 31 (Mon) at 14:28:11 -0400 (-0400), Michael Reed wrote:
:On 08/31/15 07:36, Sebastian Benoit wrote:
:> Michael Reed(m.r...@mykolab.com) on 2015.08.30 14:58:35 -0400:
:>> Hi all,
:>> If ntpd is run with the -n flag, and /etc/ntpd.conf is parsed without
:>> error, then "Configuration OK" is printed.  I don't think this is
:>> particularly useful, as both a lack of an error message and an exit
:>> value of 0 already indicate success in this case.  This seems to be the
:>> case for most (many?) programs in the base system, such as doas(1).
:> I like the message. Why is it a problem?
:> /Benno
:It's admittedly not much of a problem, more just to follow the Unix
:principle of saying nothing if there's nothing wrong.

In my mind, -n is explicitly asking for a configuration check, so
explicitly telling me it's OK is a good thing.

I prefer keeping the message.

Jone's Motto:
        Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.

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