On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 9:00 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote:
>> It is similar to (optional) XMODEM/ZMODEM disciplines over serial, IMO.
> No, it is similar to <something> over the INTERNET, because the INTERNET
> is nothing at all like a serial line, the later generally being nicely
> contained to a single room.
>> The goal is to delete classic telnet entirely and make it an
>> (optional) discipline frontend for nc(1). In "telnet mode" nc(1)
>> will only attach discipline and let user  use flow control features (like 
>> ^C).
> You have a diff?
>> It is not about extending a lifetime of telnet, it is about making telnet 
>> truly
>> optional by making it a discipline (or flow control protocol), not a separate
>> tool.
> If you can do it without adding *any complexity* to nc, fine.
> Except I know you can't do that, it will add substantial complexity.
> So this seems like a pointless discussion.  nc is already more than
> complex enough.  Probably best to focus on making it more secure,
> before making it support the stone age.

Can telnet be extended to coexist with nc -F? Manual only mentions ssh.

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