
this is really beautiful at least from the performance point of view.
My benchmarks shows:

rsync: 3m27s -> 1m20s
rm: 2m13s -> 9s

so speed increase is here as reported by various wapbl papers which is
really nice.

Anyway, I'd also like to use that with my implementation of
checksumming for SR RAID1. I'm not that lucky like you and under some
conditions my code really sucks performance wise on write operation.
This is due to design/layout of chksumming but even if I experiment
with different layouts (or caching) it still kind of sucks on write.
The only way where it does not suck is if the data are written in 32k
multiplies and aligned on 32k boundary. This way my implementation is
running optimized way hence for write needing only to override chksum
block and write data. And this is done w/o collision with other I/O so
this way is fast and kind of acceptable in comparison with pure SR
RAID1. So here is my question: is there any possibility to convince
current WAPBL code to write transasction into log in 32k blocks with
32k alignment? I can of course hack the code if you advice where to
test that, I've just so far not been able to find the magic constant
of commit size or so.

PS: for curious my benchmarking shows those numbers. Benchmarked on 2x
500GB WD Re drives, 512 bytes sector size physical. Using my patch to
speedup CRC32 calculation using "by-four" version of algorithm
(360->970 MB/s speed increase). Comparison of pure SR RAID1 with my
chksumming SR RAID1 implementation on a 500GB fs (whole SR RAID
drive). Rsync is copying /usr/src into /raid (1.3GB of data (it's a
git repo) so bigger than usual CVS checkout), rm just rm /raid/* and
find: find /raid -type f cat \{} >/dev/null \;

rsync: 3m27s -> 12m15s
rm: 2m13s -> 5m35s
find+cat: 1m58s -> 2m10s (read benchmark, does not suck IMHO)
dd 2GB write: 16s -> 23s (shows potential of write 32k aligned, for me
very acceptable result)
dd 2GB read: 16s -> 21s

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