On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 11:43:03AM +0900, Masao Uebayashi wrote:
> A bit surprised that code does more than I imagined by reading your
> description :) but it looks very good to me!
> A few comments:
> - `struct octuctl_softc' is not using `sc_ehci' and `sc_ohci'?

These were leftovers from when I thought I could fit everything in one file.
I removed these, then got a friendly reminder from autoconf that I'd forgotten
the 'struct device' at the start of the softc.

> - Some magic numbers in `octuctl_clock_setup' could be #define'ed

Looking at this again, the 64 io clock cycle delay we're supposed to add after
enabling USB clocks is always going to be less than a microsecond, so I'll
just use delay(1).

I'll add a #define for the USB hclk target frequency.

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