Claudio Jeker : 10 years ago
trunk(4) works only over ethernet devices (more precisely IEEE802 based
interfaces). This includes wireless devices but neither of gif, gre or
pppoe. tun(4) in layer 2 mode works while a "normal" tun(4) will not.

Looks like it s broken on layer 2 tun.

# uname -a
OpenBSD current 5.9 GENERIC.MP#2004 amd64
# ifconfig tun1
        index 81 priority 0
        groups: tun
        status: active
# ifconfig trunk0 trunkport em7
ifconfig: SIOCSTRUNKPORT: Invalid argument
# ifconfig trunk0 trunkport tun1
ifconfig: SIOCSTRUNKPORT: Protocol not supported
# ifconfig em1 up
# ifconfig trunk0 trunkport em1

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