For those who don't following source-changes but build -current from source...

I just committed a major ABI change; threaded binaries from before
late-March will no longer work and you need to follow the instructions
I just committed to the FAQ's "following -current" page!

This is probably a good time to wait for a snapshot and install that.
That'll give ports builds a chance to catch up too.  :-)

Philip Guenther

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Philip Guenther <>
Date: Sat, May 7, 2016 at 12:05 PM
Subject: CVS: src

CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:        2016/05/07 13:05:24

Modified files:

Log message:
Use a Thread Information Block in both single and multi-threaded programs.
This stores errno, the cancelation flags, and related bits for each thread
and is allocated by or libc.a.  This is an ABI break from 5.9-stable!

Make libpthread dlopen'able by moving the cancelation wrappers into libc
and doing locking and fork/errno handling via callbacks that libpthread
registers when it first initializes.  'errno' *must* be declared via
<errno.h> now!

Clean up libpthread's symbol exports like libc.

On powerpc, offset the TIB/TCB/TLS data from the register per the ELF spec.

Testing by various, particularly sthen@ and patrick@
ok kettenis@

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