On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 09:29:35PM +0200, Theo Buehler wrote:
> With the attached patch for attila's regress.m4 and the inlined patch
> for jot.c below, all of FreeBSD's regression tests pass.

And here's the patch for regress.m4:

--- regress.m4.orig     Tue Jul 26 20:49:53 2016
+++ regress.m4  Tue Jul 26 20:50:04 2016
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ dnl checked.  It is assumed that the test will output 
 dnl output to be used to check for regression will be in regress.TESTNAME.out.
 TOTAL=`expr 1 + ${TOTAL}`
-$2 >test.$1.out 2>&1
+$2 >test.$1.out
 diff -q ${SRCDIR:-.}/regress.$1.out ./test.$1.out >/dev/null

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