On Thu, Sep 08, 2016 at 07:47:58PM -0400, Daniel Micay wrote:

> A nice security property of 0xdf filling is that a use-after-free of a
> pointer is guaranteed to fault in a typical environment since it ends up
> pointing outside userspace (I assume that's the case on OpenBSD). A heap
> spray could potentially allow exploiting a random pointer. Perhaps it
> would be better if only the byte range guaranteeing faults for pointers
> was used? Less random, but strictly better than the current situation
> rather than losing a nice guarantee.

AFAIK 0xdf...df it is not guaranteed, just often outside the address

I selected 0xdf a long time ago as an alternative to the 0xd0 (Duh)
byte used for new chunks. Both as a mnemonic for "free" and because it
is likely to cause segfaults. A pointer ending in 0xdf often will be
unaligned. Of course that won't work on all archs or all pointers.

Random patterns are also likely to produce segfaults, using them as a
pointer has a big chance of being unaligned or pointing to an unmapped


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