On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 09:19:07PM -0400, Ted Unangst wrote:
> So the plan is for rebound to be the 'system' resolver, with libc talking to
> rbeound and rebound talking to the cloud. The main wrinkle is how does rebound
> find the cloud? rebound.conf, but dhclient doesn't know anything about
> rebound.conf, preferring to edit resolv.conf. But if rebound reads
> resolv.conf, what does libc read? This has been a bit of a tangle until now,
> especially in scenarios like upgrades where rebound may not even be running.
> And so I present the following diff to enable a smooth transition. It's
> 'quantum' because it works whether or not rebound is running. No need to open
> the box.
> 1. rebound reads resolv.conf. This remains the config file for upstream DNS.
> 2. libc now prepends its nameserver list with localhost, thus always searching
> for rebound. If it's not running, we just continue down the list.

Not everything listening on localhost port 53 is a recursive resolver.
nsd(8) per defaults listens on and will respond with REFUSED for
almost every query. asr stops in that case and does not try the next
resolver in the list.

I'm not entirely sure you are real.

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