On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 05:41:55AM +0200, Theo Buehler wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 01:29:17PM +0200, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> > As often, real life came in between. Did anybody do measurements? I
> > really would like to to see hard data.
> It seems that the price is relatively modest. 
> I ran several 'make build's:
> 3rd gen X1, i7 5500U, 2.4GHz (amd64):
>       no malloc.conf, malloc.c r1.195:
>            1525.04 real      2505.98 user      1362.47 sys
>       no malloc.conf, malloc.c + diff:
>            1532.15 real      2540.63 user      1356.98 sys
>       for comparison:
>       malloc.conf -> J, malloc.c + diff:
>            1554.76 real      2596.40 user      1353.26 sys
> Acer Aspire 5633WLMi, Core 2 Duo 1.66 GHz (i386):
>       no malloc.conf, malloc.c, r1.195:
>            5020.77 real      5725.21 user      1609.28 sys
>       no malloc.conf, malloc.c + diff:
>            5088.07 real      5865.80 user      1572.12 sys

Did some more thinking about this. Since this diff interferes with the
effort to move canary bytes closer to the end of the requested size
(See tedu's diff from December
https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=144966528402282&w=2), I like to
revisit that diff and fix it, and then see if and how we can to random

tb@ pointed out at least realloc is broken with that diff. I have to
go and see if I can spot the actual problem.



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