On 2016/12/05 21:38, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2016/11/26 14:57, Okan Demirmen wrote:
> > 
> > In addition, I've changed the 'bind' and 'mousebind' config options to
> > 'bind-key' and 'bind-mouse', respectively. The 'unmap' option is replaced by
> > 'unbind-key' and 'unbind-mouse'. By popular request by those who customize
> > everything, one can now also unbind key/mouse at once with '*', i.e.
> > 'unbind-key *' or 'unbind-mouse *'.
> This also changes some _ to -, for example
> mousebind M-2 window_lower
> mousebind M-3 window_resize
> now needs to be
> bind-mouse M-2 window-lower
> bind-mouse M-3 window-resize
> Had me confused for a few minutes..

here's a cheat-sheet.

old                     new

bind                    bind-key
mousebind               bind-mouse
bind ... unmap          unbind-key ...
mousebind ... unmap     unbind-mouse ...

lower                   window-lower
window_lower            window-lower
raise                   window-raise
window_raise            window-raise
hide                    window-hide
window_hide             window-hide

htile                   window-htile
vtile                   window-vtile

cycle                   window-cycle
rcycle                  window-rcycle
delete                  window-delete
search                  window-search

label                   window-menu-label
stick                   window-stick
fullscreen              window-fullscreen
maximize                window-maximize
vmaximize               window-vmaximize
hmaximize               window-hmaximize
freeze                  window-freeze

move                    window-move
moveup                  window-move-up
movedown                window-move-down
moveright               window-move-right
moveleft                window-move-left
bigmoveup               window-move-up-big
bigmovedown             window-move-down-big
bigmoveright            window-move-right-big
bigmoveleft             window-move-left-big

resize                  window-resize
resizeup                window-resize-up
resizedown              window-resize-down
resizeright             window-resize-right
resizeleft              window-resize-left
bigresizeup             window-resize-up-big
bigresizedown           window-resize-down-big
bigresizeright          window-resize-right-big
bigresizeleft           window-resize-left-big

movetogroup1..9         window-movetogroup-1..9

nogroup                 group-toggle-all
group1..9               group-toggle-1..9
grouponly1..9           group-only-1..9
cyclegroup              group-cycle
rcyclegroup             group-rcycle
cycleingroup            window-cycle-ingroup
rcycleingroup           window-rcycle-ingroup

grouptoggle             window-group
window_grouptoggle      window-group

ptrmoveup               pointer-move-up
ptrmovedown             pointer-move-down
ptrmoveleft             pointer-move-left
ptrmoveright            pointer-move-right
bigptrmoveup            pointer-move-up-big
bigptrmovedown          pointer-move-down-big
bigptrmoveleft          pointer-move-left-big
bigptrmoveright         pointer-move-right-big

menu_cmd                menu-cmd
menusearch              menu-cmd
menu_group              menu-group
groupsearch             menu-group
menu_unhide             menu-window
ssh                     menu-ssh
exec                    menu-exec
exec_wm                 menu-exec-wm

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