On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 04:31:35PM -0600, Todd C. Miller wrote:
> How about we just eliminate the "logfile turned over" message
> entirely?  It's kind of bogus for newsyslog to be writing to the
> log files directly.  I don't think that message provides any useful
> info.

Perhaps /var/log/messages was a bad example.  syslogd does not write
the restart message into /var/log/daemon, newsyslog also rotates
files that do not belong to syslogd.  Here is daemon log:

2017-03-14T00:11:46+01:00 t430s newsyslog[31315]: logfile turned over
2017-03-13T23:12:16.690Z t430s isakmpd[95880]: sendmsg ...
2017-03-13T23:12:43.720Z t430s last message repeated 3 times

It is useful that log files are never empty and that you can see
when they were rotated.


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