On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 08:56:02PM -0500, Scott Cheloha wrote:
> > Do you plan to improve this situation?
> It depends.  Do you think improving the independence of each of those
> cases is valuable in and of itself?

I would not do all this work.  I have indepentent targets for some
of my own tests that I use regualry for development.  But for other
people's tests which just pass, I don't care.  Making the individual
targets independent would be work without anybody noticing it.

Running all tests in a row will leave the system in a state where
in a second test run some tests fail.  So if you intend to work in
that area, are you might want to fix this.  The common setup,
cleanup, and resources that all regress tests share may be a problem.

At http://bluhm.genua.de/regress/results/regress.html are the daily
test results.  We also have tests that fail sometimes and could be
more stable.


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