One optimization implemented in the sample code from "Engineering
a Sort Function" that our qsort lacks is storing the partition value
out of line when convenient.  Currently, we swap the partition value
into a[0], but this can significantly degrade performance when the
array is sorted in reverse or near-reverse order.

Since we don't want to allocate memory to store the value, only do
this when the elements of the array are int or long sized (which
is often the case).  This speeds up the qsort  regress test a bit,
which is probably due to the tests on reverse sorted input.

This diff requires my "support swapping int-sized elements" diff
be applied first.

 - todd

Index: lib/libc/stdlib/qsort.c
--- lib/libc/stdlib/qsort.c     Sat May 20 08:08:08 2017
+++ lib/libc/stdlib/qsort.c     Sat May 20 15:12:54 2017
@@ -40,15 +40,12 @@
  * Qsort routine from Bentley & McIlroy's "Engineering a Sort Function".
  * This version differs from Bentley & McIlroy in the following ways:
- *   1. The partition value is swapped into a[0] instead of being
- *     stored out of line.
- *
- *   2. It uses David Musser's introsort algorithm to fall back to
+ *   1. It uses David Musser's introsort algorithm to fall back to
  *     heapsort(3) when the recursion depth reaches 2*lg(n + 1).
  *     This avoids quicksort's quadratic behavior for pathological
  *     input without appreciably changing the average run time.
- *   3. Tail recursion is eliminated when sorting the larger of two
+ *   2. Tail recursion is eliminated when sorting the larger of two
  *     subpartitions to save stack space.
@@ -57,6 +54,25 @@
 #define SWAPTYPE_INT   4
 #define SWAPTYPE_LONG  5
+#define PVINIT(pv, pm) do {                            \
+       switch (swaptype) {                             \
+       case SWAPTYPE_INT:                              \
+       case SWAPTYPE_INTV:                             \
+               pv = (char *)&v;                        \
+               v.i = *(int *)pm;                       \
+               break;                                  \
+       case SWAPTYPE_LONG:                             \
+       case SWAPTYPE_LONGV:                            \
+               pv = (char *)&v;                        \
+               v.l = *(long *)pm;                      \
+               break;                                  \
+       default:                                        \
+               pv = a;                                 \
+               swap(pv, pm);                           \
+               break;                                  \
+       }                                               \
+} while(0)
 #define TYPE_ALIGNED(TYPE, a, es)                      \
        (((char *)a - (char *)0) % sizeof(TYPE) == 0 && es % sizeof(TYPE) == 0)
@@ -122,9 +138,13 @@
 introsort(char *a, size_t n, size_t es, size_t maxdepth, int swaptype,
     int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *))
-       char *pa, *pb, *pc, *pd, *pl, *pm, *pn;
+       char *pa, *pb, *pc, *pd, *pl, *pm, *pn, *pv;
        int cmp_result;
        size_t r, s;
+       union {
+               int i;
+               long l;
+       } v;
 loop:  if (maxdepth == 0) {
                if (heapsort(a, n, es, cmp) == 0)
@@ -150,18 +170,18 @@
                pm = med3(pl, pm, pn, cmp);
-       swap(a, pm);
-       pa = pb = a + es;
+       PVINIT(pv, pm);         /* pv points to partition value */
+       pa = pb = a;
        pc = pd = a + (n - 1) * es;
        for (;;) {
-               while (pb <= pc && (cmp_result = cmp(pb, a)) <= 0) {
+               while (pb <= pc && (cmp_result = cmp(pb, pv)) <= 0) {
                        if (cmp_result == 0) {
                                swap(pa, pb);
                                pa += es;
                        pb += es;
-               while (pb <= pc && (cmp_result = cmp(pc, a)) >= 0) {
+               while (pb <= pc && (cmp_result = cmp(pc, pv)) >= 0) {
                        if (cmp_result == 0) {
                                swap(pc, pd);
                                pd -= es;

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