> On 20:49:05,  6.06.17, Jason McIntyre wrote:
> > right now this man page suggests that people will use "bcrypt,a"
> > to "automatically suggest rounds based on system performance". is
> > that right? i'd have expected people to just use "bcrypt" (w/o
> > args).

Because you can't change everything in one step.  Seriously, feel free
to pull on this string, and test all the cases.

> > in fact, why have "a" at all? why not just have the default
> > as automatically selecting rounds, but you can optionally specify
> > an amount of rounds?

Waiting for a volunteer who understands the impact.

> > sorry, i know that's not really the main concern of your diff. it just
> > seems a bit weird, and that reflects in the way you're having to word
> > this.
> Yes, the function seems a bit inconsistent, in that "bcrypt" means "bcrypt,a"
> but NULL means "bcrypt,8". awolk@ points out that the function is used in
> just a few places - src and some ports patches, so we should be able to
> change it. Judging by the commit message the author was aware of this
> discrepancy though, and marked is as "for now", so let's see what others say.

Yes, let's change everything at once.

Did you test what you propose?  Your mail seems to be coming in before
you could have changed it, done a full build, and a study.  Am I correct?

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