On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 07:53:35AM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > Perhaps we'll come up with a simpler way down the road, but it isn't
> > *that* hard for manual upgrades. once you've installed the kernels, make
> > sure you've got the correct hash:
> > 
> >     sha256 -h /var/db/kernel.SHA256 /bsd
> > 
> > and the rc script will do the rest after the next reboot. I think this
> > is bearable.
> I think that is bad advice.  At next reboot, it will build a new
> kernel using the link kit.  But where's the step that updates the link
> kit??  You didn't describe it, so uhm... two boots later you'll be
> running something different than intended.

I agree with you if 'manual upgrades' means upgrades from source.

I understood 'manual upgrades' to be 'upgrading without the install
kernel', as described in upgradeXX.html. The link kit is in baseXX.tgz
and will be extracted with it. So you will end up runnig what you
intended to run.

> The correct process is much simpler.  In a kernel compile directory,
> simply type
>    make install
> That updates the kernel, the link kit, and the hash.

This is not necessarily possible in the situation I was talking about.

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