On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 02:35:55PM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> There is a diff in snapshots which does kernel relinking during
> install or upgrade.
> Really amazing...

I have an issue regarding kernel relinking during upgrade.

Not a big chunk, but I prefer to report it to see the better way to
change my workflow or to change operations order in installer.

I use /upgrade.site file in order to patch in advance (from the
installer, and before rebooting) the kernel in order to disable ulpt to
let cups using my usb printer using libusb.

# cat /upgrade.site

# disable ulpt if cupsd installed
[[ -x /etc/rc.d/cupsd ]] && echo 'disable ulpt*\nquit' | config -f -e /bsd.mp

exit 0

The current order of operation in the installer is (after manual
  - do install/upgrade stuff
  - run /$MODE.site in chroot (here upgrade.site)
  - MAKEDEV and installboot
  - bsd.mp renaming to bsd if MULTIPROCESS
  - KARL stuff
    - generating sha256 from /bsd
    - relinking to create an unique kernel
  - adding sysmerge and fw_update in rc.* files
  - few other stuff and rebooting

The interaction between /upgrade.site (patching /bsd) and KARL makes the
reconfiguration stuff to be discarded... and my printers to not be
functional using libusb at reboot (due to ulpt).

Some questions/options:
  - should /$MODE.site to ran a bit later ? (after KARL)

  - should /$MODE.site to ran after "generating sha256 from /bsd" and
    before "relinking to create an unique kernel" ? it should let "make
    newbsd" detect /bsd modification, and not relinking the kernel.

  - what is the expected way to disable KARL in the installer ?
    (I assume removing /usr/share/compile.tgz and /usr/share/compile
    should be enough)

  - does patch for something like config(8) script would be acceptable, in
    order to have an official way to apply config(8) modification *and*
    to have KARL at same time ?

For me, patching the kernel in rc.firsttime wouldn't be a great option: it will
require a reboot to apply settings.

Sebastien Marie

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