
i think i've noted about this before, around 13months ago freebsd
first disabled alignment faults, and they haven't enabled them since.
deja vu, or not, i don't recall if the last diff like below did go
anywhere, nor if it got discussed about, so i'm sorry in advance,
if i'm banging my head to the wall with this one.

and indeed, even git is unusable without this (on latest snapshot w/git
installed from packages), 'git branch' did happen to be the only command
of the few i tried,
that didn't end up into SIGBUS, but even it fails reliably w/-v..

# git branch    
* av7_a4x_dsb
# git branch -v
Bus error (core dumped) 

the diff below still id enough to get over those, and let the
software run regardless of it's assumptions about what is right or wrong.

$ git branch -v
* av7_a4x_dsb b065a9e59a0 [ahead 1] gotta try
  av7_use_uvm 7f8cb8f2d0d [behind 1] whitespace
  master      7f8cb8f2d0d whitespace

small quote of the related fbsd commit msg:
"The hardware we support has always been
able to do unaligned accesses, we've just never enabled it until now.

This brings FreeBSD into line with all the other major OSes, and should help
with the growing volume of 3rd-party software that assumes unaligned access
will just work on armv6 and armv7."

major or not, more usable w/o diving into ports would be much appreciated.

diff --git a/sys/arch/arm/arm/cpufunc.c b/sys/arch/arm/arm/cpufunc.c
index c91108e7066..716628750dd 100644
--- a/sys/arch/arm/arm/cpufunc.c
+++ b/sys/arch/arm/arm/cpufunc.c
@@ -396,7 +396,6 @@ armv7_setup()
            | CPU_CONTROL_AFE;
        cpuctrl = CPU_CONTROL_MMU_ENABLE

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