On 2017/06/29 10:03, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2017/06/27 14:58, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > If anyone's interested in newer unbound, I have an initial diff, it's
> > 750K all-in (we are currently on 1.6.1 so there are a few releases worth
> > of changes) so I won't send it inline, it's at
> > https://junkpile.org/unbound-1.6.4.diff
> > 
> I had a segfault with this after running for a while but only had a
> truncated coredump ("write failed: errno 14" which is EFAULT). Now
> running it under gdb to see if I can catch anything, if anyone else
> can do the same that might be useful.

I've had a similar-feeling segfault with the version of unbound currently
in base (not very scientific, but I'm not sure what else can be done with a
crash that shows up rarely and where the debug mechanism fails), so at this
point I think updating probably makes sense. Anyone want to look closer at
the diff or should I just go ahead?

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