Hi all,

when openbsd imports cca 1M routes or more and if i want to see them
with "netstat -rn" i'm getting "Cannot allocate memory". bgpd can see
all routes. i don't think that this is real problem but full bgp table
is cca 700K routes.

# bgpctl show ip bgp mem
RDE memory statistics
   1245184 IPv4 unicast network entries using 47.5M of memory
   2490368 rib entries using 152M of memory
   2490368 prefix entries using 152M of memory
         1 BGP path attribute entries using 120B of memory
         1 BGP AS-PATH attribute entries using 37B of memory,
           and holding 1 references
         0 BGP attributes entries using 0B of memory
           and holding 0 references
         0 BGP attributes using 0B of memory
RIB using 352M of memory

# bgpctl show ip bgp | wc -l

# netstat -rnf inet
netstat: Cannot allocate memory

same happens with arp. if cca 1M arp entries are injected with "arp" and
"netstat -rn" i'm getting "Cannot allocate memory". of course that this
is extremely ridiculous example, but i would be good if i can a least
delete arp entries.

# vmstat -m | egrep "Name|arp"
Name        Size Requests Fail    InUse Pgreq Pgrel Npage Hiwat Minpg
Maxpg Idle
arp           56  1481903    0   983053 13950   104 13846 13846     0
 8    0

# arp -an
Host            Ethernet Address    Netif Expire    Flags
arp: malloc: Cannot allocate memory

# arp -ad
arp: malloc: Cannot allocate memory

# netstat -rnf inet
netstat: Cannot allocate memory

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