Hi Tom,

it is still completely unclear what you are even trying to talk
about.  The patch is certainly not acceptable, it is vague,
highly confusing, and fails to state what it is all about.

If what you are trying to document is the so-called "IP unnumbered"
hack:  That is an abomination brewed by a single corporate vendor
and a severe abuse of how IP works.  I doubt that the documentation
needs to mention it at all, and i feel that, if any text is added
anywhere about "IP unnumbered", it should not sound as if that abuse
is encouraged, and the text should definitely make it clear that it
is an abominable hack, maybe using a wording like

  If an Internet access provider uses the so-called "IP unnumbered"
  hack which violates the basic principles of how IP is supposed
  to work, it is possible to work around the problem with a
  client configuration similar to the following:

The text must not be worded in any way that lends itself to confusion
with normal PPP.

Your try fails on all counts.

If any other developer thinks "IP unnumbered" is worth mentioning
and wants to document it properly, fine, but right now, this thread
feel like a waste of time.

Oh, and please do not document how to set up "IP unnumbered" on an
OpenBSD router.  I do not think that should be supported, even if it
happens to work right now.


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