
I have been running OBSD6.0 and 6.1 on my T2000.

I now wish to upgrade to 6.2, and I managed to boot a guest domain from a
miniroot62.fs image
with no problems.

It is now asking:

Which network interface do you wish to configure? (or 'done') [vlan0]
Which interface:tag should vlan0 be on? [:none] vlan0:none
Invalid parent interface choice 'vlan0'.

There is only one interface available on the guest domain: vlan0, which is
bridged to
em3 on the host and nothing else. Em3 connects to a socket on a BT Business

I have tried various combinations of answers for the tag question, with and
without the vlan0
before the colon. All get labelled "invalid interface choice". There is
nothing that I can find
in the way of documentation to explain why I should even be asked this
question now, when I
have not ever been asked before, and I have used OBSD since 2.1, and
probably before that.

*What is the right answer?*

*Why is it the right answer?*

*Is this a bug or a feature?* If it is a new feature that you now need to
understand to perform
an install, then it needs to be explained in the install notes.

Ideally, the default should work without having to get new knowledge over
the internet,
cos you often have no internet access until after you manage to configure
your interfaces!


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