On 14/11/17(Tue) 14:20, Alexandr Nedvedicky wrote:
> Hello,
> I would go for NET_RLOCK() instead of NET_LOCK(), which is currently alias
> to NET_WLOCK(). My point is the icmp6_reflect(), which is the workhorse for
> icmp6_error(), is a typical 'READER-user' of network stack. It does not
> change any network configuration. So it should be fine to let it run
> as a reader.

I'd prefer we do not use any NET_RLOCK() until PF_LOCK() is in and
enabled.  Such code path are not performance critical :)

> I'm sure mpi@ can provide authoritative OK here as nothing should go wrong
> with pure NET_LOCK() you have in your diff.

I'm ok with the diff as is.

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