On Sun, 3 Dec 2017, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > EFAULT is kinda interesting in that POSIX documents its existence but 
> > does not require it to ever be returned.  Here's what POSIX says 
> > normatively:
> POSIX is a wimpy subset of UNIX, specified so unstrictly that it
> becomes difficult to build secure software upon the foundation.

Sure, but I wouldn't point to its (non-)specification of EFAULT as part of 

> I believe if you don't teach people the need for strict careful 
> specifications -- by example -- then don't be surprised they don't learn 
> the lessons elsewhere, and their results are chaotic and fragile.

Even when standards specify strict behavior, getting a sufficient fraction 
of the ecosystem to be on implementations that actually _do_ that, 
sufficient to have the desired effect on software development practice, is 
something we--the software economy--have not figured out how to 
accomplish.  The incentive structures push the wrong way: first-to-market 
gains, risk and cost shifting that reduce the downside of insecure or 
non-compliant implementations, etc.

To fix the ecosystem, the flow of benefits will stop favoring those who 
take shortcuts in security/safety/compliance.


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