On Sun, 2017-12-10 at 12:48 -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> In our tree, all security or front-facing code must be maintained by
> an interested individual/group.  If it isn't maintained eventually it
> will become a hinderance towards other developments, or error prone
> and therefore a risk factor.  It gets marginalized by other changes.
> Then it gets the axe.

Completely understandable! :)

> Every part of the tree needs believers who commit their time to
> keeping that part good, or even better -- improving it.  Especially
> relevant as minimum standards of quality rises.


> [...]
> Expanding mindshare is a hard social problem, so I'm glad you mailed
> in... hopefully you take the bait mpi has placed in the
> trap^W^W^W^W^W^W^W

He he, well we'll see ;-)

It's not the first time I've considered pitching in with OpenBSD,
and seeing as multicast is a bit of hobby of mine, as well as part
of my daily work, it could very well be what pulls me in.

Thank you for your thorough reply!

Best regards

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