On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 01:01:33PM +0200, David Coppa wrote:
> Hi all,
> Attached you will find an update to the latest freetype (2.9.1).
> I've rebuilt all my stuff (i3, chromium, urxvt, mpv, etc.) with it,
> but a real bulk build by the usual suspects would be useful.
> Noteworthy changes:
> - some header files are new or have been renamed / moved into
>   different directories.
> - major bump is required for the shared library version.


Sorry for taking so long to answer. Partly it's because your email
took almost 2 weeks to get into my mailbox and partly because I've
been busy with other stuff for the last 2 weeks.

ok matthieu@.

note that the uninialized memory access with some fonts reported by
Brian Lyton is supposed to be fixed in this release (and I can't
reproduce it anymore).

So you may want to revert the change in src/base/ftutil.c rev 1.10.

Matthieu Herrb

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